1.   As the attack subsided, police officials met with Milosevic and presented him with an arrest warrant, the Associated Press reported.

2.   He said that in the last month, since the local news media reported the proposed legislation, the attacks had subsided.

3.   James said her panic attacks have subsided but she still has fears that one of her children will get AIDS from her.

4.   Mrs. Mporayonzi remembers wandering the woods after the attack had subsided, and said she was taken in by a Zairian family to whom she owes her survival.

5.   Palestinian suicide attacks have subsided as the operation has gathered force.

6.   But the operation was canceled in December after the terror attacks subsided.

7.   Last October, French President Jacques Chirac suggested a link between French aid and Algerian democratic reform, and the attacks subsided.

8.   The attacks had subsided in recent days.

9.   The daughter of Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic got married Saturday in this rebel Serb stronghold southeast of Sarajevo after grenade attacks subsided.

10.   There has been some speculation that the attacks would subside to honor the Muslim holy month of Ramadan that starts in mid-November.

n. + subside >>共 335
violence 7.84%
pain 5.52%
water 3.00%
wind 3.00%
swelling 2.23%
rain 2.03%
tension 2.03%
crisis 1.94%
storm 1.65%
symptom 1.65%
attack 1.16%
attack + v. >>共 376
be 24.57%
come 8.48%
occur 7.47%
take 5.59%
continue 3.22%
begin 2.12%
follow 1.95%
appear 1.79%
cause 1.66%
kill 1.49%
subside 0.12%
每页显示:    共 12