1.   She sailed the Atlantic coastline.

2.   A network of barrier islands define the Atlantic coastline and lure vacationers.

3.   Torrential rains will cause flooding in sections of eastern and central Florida on Wednesday as gales diminish along the Atlantic coastline south of Cape Canaveral.

4.   At the opposite end of the country, gun battles continued in the Atlantic coastline town of Muanda and the nearby village of Kitona, various reports said.

5.   Both sides claim to control the strategic town of Bukavu in the east, and both say are advancing in the west near the Atlantic coastline.

6.   Congolese Tutsis, including the ethnic Banyamulenge, and their Rwandan allies are on the march in eastern Congo and in the far west along the Atlantic coastline.

7.   Fighting was reported on Tuesday in Bukavu near the border with Rwanda and in the village of Kitona on the opposite side of Congo near the Atlantic coastline.

8.   Now their focus had turned to extending their foothold along the western Atlantic coastline.

9.   Sporadic resistance triggered firefights in a corridor of land that runs from Kinshasa to the Atlantic coastline, but the wholesale combat of recent weeks died off.

10.   The rebellion has spread to the west, near the Atlantic coastline.

a. + coastline >>共 141
long 7.46%
rocky 5.42%
atlantic 4.75%
rugged 4.07%
pacific 3.73%
southern 3.73%
adriatic 2.03%
northern 2.03%
scenic 2.03%
low-lying 1.36%
atlantic + n. >>共 225
water 28.45%
coast 14.59%
alliance 7.29%
seaboard 4.30%
hurricane 4.23%
pressure 2.19%
moisture 1.97%
crossing 1.68%
storm 1.39%
region 1.24%
coastline 1.02%
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