1.   An athlete trains long hours before becoming a star.

2.   Athletes are training with their coaches under the cover of darkness and competing in out-of-state meets in Boston, Pocatello and Nebraska.

3.   A bunch of college athletes are training there for the NFL combine.

4.   Creatine allows athletes to train longer at higher intensities without fatigue.

5.   Elevated testosterone levels, in turn, enable athletes to train harder and build more muscle.

6.   Even though the Games are three months away, athletes are training in Georgia and across the Southeast.

7.   Since athletes have been training with creatine for only six to seven years, its long-term effects cannot be determined.

8.   Steroids are a banned substance that can improve performance by allowing an athlete to train harder but can bring on dangerous side effects.

9.   Testosterone, which helps build muscle mass and allows an athlete to train harder and longer, can also be produced artificially.

10.   The athletes will train at a track in south DeKalb and at facilities at Georgia Tech and Emory University.

n. + train >>共 527
team 6.44%
spring 2.95%
company 2.68%
troop 2.62%
pilot 1.95%
officer 1.88%
school 1.74%
soldier 1.68%
group 1.54%
force 1.48%
athlete 1.27%
athlete + v. >>共 636
be 16.90%
have 6.44%
use 2.56%
compete 2.28%
do 2.17%
take 1.99%
get 1.62%
say 1.57%
test 1.51%
make 1.48%
train 0.54%
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