1.   It works politically for now, but only while missile defense is a theory being researched and tested with at best mixed results.

2.   The resulting works proved mixed at best in the eyes of his critics, who often dismissed them as trifles.

3.   But they also warned that the outlook for next year appeared mixed at best.

4.   The base metals complex failed to make much sustained headway this week, as prospects for economic recovery remained mixed at best and supply-side questions preyed on some metals.

d. + mixed >>共 85
racially 17.79%
generally 15.47%
ethnically 12.77%
decidedly 8.51%
very 7.54%
more 5.61%
religiously 3.48%
only 2.13%
somewhat 1.93%
narrowly 1.74%
at_best 0.77%
at_best + a. >>共 282
uncertain 3.86%
lukewarm 3.29%
tenuous 3.00%
spotty 2.72%
difficult 2.72%
shaky 2.43%
dubious 2.43%
mediocre 2.43%
sporadic 2.00%
modest 1.86%
mixed 0.57%
每页显示:    共 4