1.   Haouari told Canadian authorities in the asylum petition that he feared reprisals from the FIS if he refused.

2.   His asylum petition had been denied.

3.   It was the first time a federal court had supported an asylum petition based on a fear of genital cutting.

4.   Lazaro Gonzalez filed the asylum petition, arguing Elian would become traumatized if returned to Cuba.

5.   The INS has taken pains to portray the surge in asylum petitions as largely the result of fraudulent claims.

6.   The rest filed asylum petitions at least three years ago, and many are still awaiting the outcome of their cases.

7.   Wilson expressed skepticism as to whether Elian was mature enough to file an asylum petition.

8.   Perez said he could not give more details because asylum petitions are confidential.

9.   Meantime, it was expected that INS would reject on Thursday a second asylum petition filed this week on behalf of Elian by his Florida relatives.

10.   The asylum petition came late Friday, after Brazil had turned down a similar request earlier this week, the spokesman said.

n. + petition >>共 134
bankruptcy 9.57%
clemency 6.38%
asylum 5.24%
discharge 5.01%
habeas 4.56%
court 4.33%
divorce 4.33%
writ 3.87%
recall 3.42%
bail 2.96%
asylum + n. >>共 106
seeker 54.70%
request 7.38%
application 5.05%
bid 3.61%
claim 3.35%
law 2.87%
policy 2.34%
hearing 2.12%
case 1.81%
applicant 1.70%
petition 1.22%
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