1.   But frequently the asthma sufferer learned to hold back both feelings because neither are acceptable to the family.

2.   Environmental groups say the current air standards are inadequate to protect the health of asthma sufferers and others with lung diseases.

3.   What are all the asthma sufferers, and arthritis sufferers, and various people going to do?

4.   ASTHMA sufferers planning to sue British Steel and ICI on Teesside are taking new strength from a science report linking ill health on Tyneside with industrial pollution.

5.   CHRONIC asthma sufferer Jeffrey Harrison was held up as an example of the alleged inadequacy of student loans and NHS funding by Labour yesterday.

6.   And when going to an outdoor park, asthma sufferers should remember their inhalers and take their medicine an hour ahead of time.

7.   Asthma sufferers often use a combination of drugs reducing one when a new drug comes along.

8.   Asthma sufferers often meet other asthmatics and end up having children.

9.   But I say to you, my fellow allergy and asthma sufferers, do not be ashamed or embarrassed by your wheezing, runny noses and rheumy eyes.

10.   Eventually, he said, the vest will be widely used for a variety of patients who have trouble clearing their lungs, like accident victims and asthma sufferers.

n. + sufferer >>共 93
allergy 14.15%
asthma 12.58%
migraine 7.55%
cancer 6.92%
arthritis 5.03%
flu 4.72%
pain 2.83%
dementia 2.52%
plague 1.89%
disease 1.89%
asthma + n. >>共 77
attack 35.71%
medication 7.64%
drug 6.64%
sufferer 6.64%
patient 5.65%
symptom 3.65%
treatment 3.65%
inhaler 3.49%
medicine 2.16%
rate 2.16%
每页显示:    共 40