1.   Astra-Zeneca and Merck have promoted their asthma medications aggressively, with big dividends.

2.   Also seeking the regulatory green light is an allergy and asthma medication called Xolair, developed and marketed by a trio of companies led by Genentech Inc.

3.   Children routinely tuck inhalers, the little pumps that convert asthma medication into an inhalable mist, into their backpacks so they can take puffs before gym class.

4.   Companies including Inhale Therapeutic Systems and Pfizer Inc. are working on another way to take insulin -- through an inhaler, much like asthma medication.

5.   Ephedrine has a long history as an asthma medication.

6.   Ephedrine is regulated by the FDA through its strict drug review process when used in products such as asthma medications and nasal decongestants.

7.   Friends told her about a local doctor who was offering free examinations and drugs as part of a study of an experimental asthma medication.

8.   He no longer needs asthma medications.

9.   He recalled how he threatened to stop filling his asthma medication unless he stopped smoking.

10.   If an asthma medication, both an inhaled and oral version, gains government approval, Merck will own worldwide marketing rights.

n. + medication >>共 124
pain 21.07%
prescription 15.22%
asthma 7.69%
heart 7.53%
antidepressant 5.52%
allergy 3.18%
ulcer 2.51%
cancer 1.34%
hypertension 1.34%
stimulant 1.34%
asthma + n. >>共 77
attack 35.71%
medication 7.64%
drug 6.64%
sufferer 6.64%
patient 5.65%
symptom 3.65%
treatment 3.65%
inhaler 3.49%
medicine 2.16%
rate 2.16%
每页显示:    共 46