1.   It is supposed to identify areas of high risk and concentrate on them, rather than simply assuring compliance with all regulations.

2.   Only when Bosnia can buy arms to defend itself can it assure compliance with any peace terms without outside intervention.

3.   Other reforms increase premiums for pension plans that pose the greatest risk, and give PBGC new enforcement tools to assure compliance.

4.   Superiors at the firm must oversee brokers activities closely to assure compliance with NASD rule, the notice said.

5.   The administration, which acknowledges that difficulties in monitoring remain, says it is negotiating conditions for new aid that will assure compliance with the Leahy law.

6.   This week President Bush proposed ways to assure international compliance with the accord.

7.   Those who are supposed to assure compliance with the rules can act only if he approves.

8.   To assure compliance, the fund will withhold billions of dollars from the Indonesian government until it takes a series of painful steps that it has so far resisted.

9.   But counsel Gordon Fish countered that church governing bodies enter into a solemn contract with the church and are responsible for assuring compliance with church rules.

v. + compliance >>共 124
monitor 14.25%
ensure 11.59%
verify 7.12%
force 7.12%
enforce 3.63%
oversee 3.07%
certify 2.37%
encourage 2.37%
assess 2.23%
demand 2.23%
assure 1.26%
assure + n. >>共 495
safety 4.41%
security 3.35%
passage 3.27%
victory 3.10%
success 3.02%
access 1.55%
team 1.47%
future 1.39%
survival 1.31%
supply 1.23%
compliance 0.74%
每页显示:    共 9