1.   The decision to look outside the bank for a chief executive is likely to assuage some critics of Barclays in the City.

2.   In a speech laced with religious themes, Feldbaum sought to assuage critics on the right.

3.   In the past two years, an increasingly desperate UFC has been trying to assuage its critics.

4.   That the deal was financed by proceeds from the new national lottery did not assuage critics.

5.   The move by the Pentagon to craft a compromise with the commission on McClellan is an effort to assuage those critics.

6.   The need by both Netanyahu and Arafat to assuage their critics was clear in their comments.

7.   The measure also offer farmers incentives to grow other crops, and finance programs to promote human rights and judicial reform, but that did not assuage critics.

8.   The testimony by Reno and Freeh did not assuage congressional critics.

9.   Prince Norodom Ranariddh, apparently trying to assuage critics, told a French newspaper that his government would introduce legislation to fight corruption.

v. + critic >>共 392
have 14.18%
silence 8.01%
answer 4.98%
say 3.02%
dismiss 2.55%
accuse 2.49%
satisfy 2.08%
confound 1.84%
quiet 1.84%
appease 1.66%
assuage 0.59%
assuage + n. >>共 82
fear 21.93%
concern 18.59%
guilt 5.58%
anger 5.20%
critic 3.72%
conscience 2.60%
grief 1.86%
feeling 1.86%
anxiety 1.12%
investor 1.12%
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