1.   And while several states are investigating episodes at Alterra centers, regulators have also found problems at assisted living centers run by other providers.

2.   Assisted living takes care of maintenance.

3.   Assisted living takes care of meals and snacks.

4.   Assisted living.

5.   Assisted living fills a niche between independent living and nursing care.

6.   Assisted living is a blend of housing, support services, personalized assistance, and health care delivered in a home-like environment.

7.   Assisted living takes care of medication reminders or even provides someone to administer medicine.

8.   Assisted living traditionally offers daily care in bathing, dressing and eating, if needed.

9.   Assisted living allows residents to live in their own apartments, complete with kitchens or kitchenettes, but also provides them with communal meals.

10.   Assisted living is designed to meet the needs of folks who require help with the activities of daily living.

a. + living >>共 429
good 6.49%
family 3.66%
decent 3.47%
daily 3.47%
assisted 3.28%
comfortable 2.19%
clean 2.19%
healthy 2.06%
high 1.99%
urban 1.93%
assisted + n. >>共 57
suicide 68.59%
living 8.39%
facility 3.95%
reproduction 3.13%
center 1.64%
technology 1.48%
death 0.99%
development 0.49%
housing 0.49%
company 0.49%
每页显示:    共 51