1.   Many in Europe and Africa perceive Washington as being sympathetic to Kabila and, despite official denials, suspect it of having assisted the rebels.

2.   Rwandan commanders said earlier this week that the Tutsi rebels were assisted by a unit of Rwandan army commandos who crossed the border and helped drive the Zairians out.

3.   Uganda has denied assisting the rebels, and Kagame said on Monday that the Ugandan government had actually made it more difficult for the Rwandans to reach the border.

4.   According to Interfax, two local chiefs of administration have been dismissed by the pro-Moscow government of Chechnya on suspicion of assisting the rebels.

5.   Civilians are often the targets of Hutu rebel raids and counterattacks by the army which suspects them of assisting the rebels.

6.   ECOMOG accused aid agencies of assisting the rebels and ordered their communications gear confiscated, aid workers said Friday.

7.   In Washington, a U.S. official said Angola has sent heavy equipment, personnel and non-combat aircraft to Zaire to assist the rebels.

8.   In Washington, a U.S. State Department official said Angola has sent heavy equipment, personnel and non-combat aircraft to Zaire to assist the rebels.

9.   It warned, however, that it would retaliate if the Thai army assists the ethnic rebels.

10.   Meta has asked NATO to take over control of its border with Macedonia to avoid any charges of assisting the rebels.

v. + rebel >>共 520
kill 12.06%
support 6.08%
fight 4.74%
back 4.69%
accuse 4.55%
blame 3.98%
aid 2.77%
drive 2.01%
help 1.99%
battle 1.92%
assist 0.35%
assist + n. >>共 556
police 3.68%
people 3.53%
victim 3.17%
refugee 3.12%
suicide 2.40%
government 2.20%
student 1.69%
family 1.69%
company 1.69%
investigation 1.48%
rebel 1.02%
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