1.   Sonar contacts were then photographed in order that the Commission could assign recovery priorities.

2.   In essence, boosting works by assigning different priorities to rules of thumb by analyzing historical data fed in by the programmer.

3.   Most experts favor making lists of things to do each day or week, assigning priorities and crossing off each item as it is accomplished.

4.   Most important, the system is designed to assign priorities to information.

5.   Most restaurants and cafes assign low priority to coffee and coffee-making.

6.   Officials generally assigned higher priority to making sure that possibly irreplaceable January figures were collected than on processing December figures gathered before the shutdown.

7.   Once the situation is stable, a high priority should be assigned to developing satisfying accounts of what went wrong.

8.   Should a higher priority have been assigned to results?

9.   The answer lies in the details of the initiatives they offer and the priorities they assign to those initiatives.

10.   The purpose here is to force people to assign priorities to different policy options.

v. + priority >>共 275
give 28.19%
have 12.71%
take 6.64%
set 4.94%
get 3.45%
put 2.88%
place 2.26%
change 1.75%
make 1.65%
receive 1.39%
assign 0.67%
assign + n. >>共 569
blame 6.28%
case 5.53%
number 2.42%
officer 2.36%
task 2.25%
job 1.93%
responsibility 1.83%
role 1.29%
team 1.29%
seat 1.18%
priority 0.70%
每页显示:    共 13