1.   Assembling a coalition of these states the next time Saddam misbehaves will probably be even harder.

2.   Assembling the coalition of countries in the past month, however, appears to have delayed that agenda, and may ultimately change its direction.

3.   Both sides are relying on historical models in trying to assemble winning coalitions, based on appeals to different parts of the state and different voting groups.

4.   But Gonzalez assembled a coalition of African-Americans, Hispanics, liberals and Texas members.

5.   If U.S. diplomacy cannot persuade all other NATO leaders to press ahead, Washington should assemble a coalition of those willing to act.

6.   Last month, Microsoft assembled a coalition of several dozen push technology providers, including companies like Pointcast Inc., a pioneer in the field.

7.   McCain, with his appeal to Democrats and independents, is trying to assemble a coalition that taps into the movement started by Ross Perot and his Reform Party.

8.   That will involve wheeling and dealing to assemble a coalition for tax changes that affect the economic well-being of the general public and countless special interests.

9.   That will be the time to assemble a coalition like the one that another President Bush created to drive Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait.

10.   That would force it to assemble a coalition with one or more other parties.

v. + coalition >>共 276
join 10.70%
build 7.27%
form 5.63%
lead 4.92%
forge 4.06%
leave 3.28%
support 2.27%
quit 2.27%
assemble 1.80%
create 1.56%
assemble + n. >>共 576
team 7.92%
car 3.49%
bomb 2.56%
collection 2.27%
product 2.04%
group 1.98%
staff 1.92%
vehicle 1.86%
part 1.69%
evidence 1.46%
coalition 1.34%
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