1.   If you have problems finding a book, ask a member of the library staff.

2.   Members have been asked to hand in their guns, grenade throwers, anti-aircraft guns and armoured vehicles.

3.   Please ask class members and send any names to Margaret Rowland.

4.   One way is to ask members of that community about their language use and the usage of others in the community, as they perceive it.

5.   Although the UTU remains on strike, mechanics union leaders have asked members to return to work while talks continue.

6.   As they took a break, the team members were asked about global warming.

7.   Ask other members.

8.   At monthly meetings, team members are asked to list three business goals and three personal ones.

9.   At the same time, it is asking members who need care to pay more.

10.   Both came up when faculty members at the University of Chicago were asked by administrators to develop materials for UNext.com.

v. + member >>共 634
include 6.76%
arrest 3.73%
kill 3.60%
have 3.22%
meet 2.03%
appoint 1.73%
say 1.34%
recruit 1.32%
lose 1.28%
expel 1.13%
ask 0.61%
ask + n. >>共 1068
question 29.80%
permission 2.10%
authority 2.02%
people 1.99%
court 1.59%
lot 1.27%
judge 1.16%
doctor 1.05%
friend 1.02%
official 0.98%
member 0.66%
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