1.   Several ski lifts ascended the mountain.

2.   Following the creek for a few miles, we ascended a mountain until we reached a meadow.

3.   Farther west, moisture laden Pacific air behind the front will ascend the mountains, leading to numerous showers on the western slopes of the Cascades and the Bitterroots.

4.   Flurries are also likely across the higher terrain of interior New England where frigid, moist air is forced to ascend the mountains.

5.   Moist air directed inland by the storm will be forced to ascend the mountains, promoting heavier rain along the western slopes of the northern Sierra and southern Cascades.

6.   Several inches of snow are expected by evening in the Rockies as moist winds from the east are forced to ascend the mountains.

7.   Snow will fall from the Tetons and Wasatch to the San Juan Mountains as moist air from the Pacific Ocean is forced to ascend the mountains and cool.

8.   Since beginning to climb again, Hommer has ascended mountains in Alaska and the Himalayas.

v. + mountain >>共 330
climb 12.28%
hit 4.40%
have 3.48%
move 3.02%
scale 2.57%
see 2.29%
up 1.83%
cross 1.83%
leave 1.74%
make 1.65%
ascend 0.73%
ascend + n. >>共 59
throne 18.06%
terrain 11.81%
stair 6.25%
mountain 5.56%
ladder 4.86%
stage 4.17%
hill 2.78%
height 2.08%
stairway 2.08%
make 1.39%
每页显示:    共 8