1.   Louis, where the water polo competition was staged in an artificial pond.

2.   At least a dozen men directed traffic as the visitors parked their Chevrolet Tahoes, BMWs, Saab convertibles and Cadillacs on the dry grass near artificial ponds.

3.   August features also include artificial ponds with tropical waterlilies with seven-foot lily pads.

4.   Casino companies have created odd-shaped artificial ponds tenuously attached to real rivers with long, skinny man-made channels.

5.   Harold Bowers, who raises shrimp here in artificial saltwater ponds, first noticed his shrimp dying in early June.

6.   One young guerrilla tosses handfuls of Purina fish chow into a network of artificial ponds and watches as cachama, which resemble piranha, attack the pellets.

a. + pond >>共 236
small 8.41%
nearby 4.59%
frozen 3.98%
cooling 3.52%
large 3.06%
salt 2.60%
little 2.45%
new 2.29%
big 2.14%
shallow 1.99%
artificial 0.92%
artificial + n. >>共 593
turf 11.63%
heart 6.87%
limb 3.88%
leg 3.11%
sweetener 2.72%
surface 2.57%
light 2.34%
lake 2.23%
snow 2.11%
reef 1.46%
pond 0.23%
每页显示:    共 6