1.   My wife has become crippled by arthritis.

2.   She is embarrassed to ask the doctor about it.

3.   Crippled by arthritis, he always arrives in a wheelchair, they report, and he always leaves on foot.

4.   Even though arthritis progressively crippled her, requiring her to use crutches, she continued to teach and create.

5.   Ms. Lyons, crippled by arthritis, was disqualified from giving because she takes heart medication.

6.   Crippled by arthritis, she was completely bedfast, lying in an old, broken-down house, where cold wind whistled through cracks in the wall.

n. + cripple >>共 201
strike 7.48%
sanction 3.60%
injury 2.49%
polio 2.22%
closure 1.94%
blockade 1.66%
arthritis 1.66%
year 1.66%
drought 1.39%
attack 1.39%
arthritis + v. >>共 47
be 21.69%
make 10.84%
cripple 7.23%
leave 2.41%
force 2.41%
cause 2.41%
worsen 2.41%
slow_down 2.41%
weaken 2.41%
catch_up 1.20%
每页显示:    共 6