1.   I have two or three short sessions every week and feel great benefit for my cervical spondylosis condition and other arthritic pains.

2.   Somewhere, she says, she read that eating one or two a day helped stave off arthritic pains.

3.   Studies suggest that regular moderate exercise combined with stretching can reduce arthritic pain and the need for medication.

4.   The arthritic pains were just part of the everyday life of an NFL player.

5.   The studies do not suggest that these nutrients are cures or even treatments for arthritic pain.

6.   The tests had gone well and aside from serious arthritic back pain, he was doing fine until he was stricken on Tuesday morning, his wife said.

7.   Morland was told that Jayasekera, who sued the Al Sayeghs, suffers continual arthritic pain and needs a crutch to walk even short distances.

a. + pain >>共 598
back 12.97%
abdominal 5.92%
severe 5.31%
great 5.05%
chronic 4.54%
joint 2.63%
sharp 2.37%
physical 1.96%
economic 1.93%
excruciating 1.81%
arthritic 0.17%
arthritic + n. >>共 42
knee 27.63%
hip 11.18%
condition 9.87%
hand 4.61%
joint 4.61%
pain 4.61%
toe 4.61%
finger 3.95%
elbow 2.63%
ache 1.97%
每页显示:    共 7