1.   But if art has always imitated life, then art also has anticipated life.

2.   But this art does not imitate life.

3.   If art imitates life, then surely motion pictures reflect the mood of society.

4.   If her art is imitating her life now, does that mean her next album will be about fish?

5.   In an interview with Hollywood-based reporter Ivor Davis, the actress explains why, in this case, art does not imitate life.

6.   In this class, art often imitates death.

7.   Is art supposed to imitate life, or life imitate art?

8.   Is this art imitating life or what?

9.   Inner beauty is probably an old-fashioned expression and art does imitate life.

10.   Sometimes art imitates life larger than life.

n. + imitate >>共 81
life 26.67%
art 10.30%
child 4.24%
kid 2.42%
boy 2.42%
competitor 1.82%
youngster 1.82%
fan 1.21%
man 1.21%
game 1.21%
art + v. >>共 355
be 41.25%
have 3.89%
become 2.38%
come 1.91%
seem 1.32%
reflect 1.25%
imitate 1.12%
get 0.92%
begin 0.92%
do 0.92%
每页显示:    共 17