1.   In his arrival speech, delivered before President Ernesto Zedillo, the pope omitted a passage in his written text that mentioned Chiapas along with other regions of Mexico.

2.   In his arrival speech at the Weizman residence, Brazauskas said he was troubled by the past.

3.   John Paul hinted at the issue in his arrival speech Saturday.

4.   The hinted at the issue in his arrival speech.

n. + speech >>共 294
acceptance 17.47%
stump 9.37%
campaign 6.91%
policy 5.13%
victory 5.13%
concession 4.11%
convention 3.22%
hate 2.33%
farewell 1.95%
commencement 1.78%
arrival 0.17%
arrival + n. >>共 77
ceremony 12.91%
hall 12.58%
time 8.61%
area 7.62%
statement 7.62%
date 7.28%
terminal 3.97%
lounge 3.64%
home 2.65%
point 2.65%
speech 1.32%
每页显示:    共 4