1.   He seemed unperturbed, even serene, and genuinely bewildered when asked if he thought the arrest would harm his other business or his reputation.

2.   The government was concerned that their arrest could harm the national economy.

3.   He admitted that the arrest had harmed the image of the Customs service, but maintained that the morale of his staff remained high.

4.   U.S. officials have warned that the arrest could harm relations and set back efforts to improve trade between the two countries.

5.   U.S. officials had warned that the arrest could harm relations and set back efforts to improve trade between the two countries.

n. + harm >>共 453
move 1.53%
action 1.41%
decision 1.28%
attack 1.28%
import 1.15%
test 1.15%
chemical 1.02%
rebel 1.02%
sanction 1.02%
project 1.02%
arrest 0.64%
arrest + v. >>共 252
be 37.38%
come 12.85%
follow 7.28%
take 4.59%
occur 2.02%
bring 1.49%
have 1.23%
make 1.16%
appear 1.16%
spark 1.08%
harm 0.19%
每页显示:    共 5