1.   U.S. planes dropped army rations to refugees along the border.

2.   Heater Meals of Cincinnati has begun repackaging products for the general public that it has long sold as army rations.

3.   Also looted was the army base in Himara in southern Albania, where people also took army rations, local sources said.

4.   Also looted was the army base in Himara in the south from where where people also took army rations, local sources said.

5.   Civilians also ransacked army bases in Orikum and Himara, stealing arms and army rations, according to news media and local people.

6.   Meals are often army ration MREs.

7.   He said he had given the two French prisoners cigarettes and books, as well as cartons of French army rations to supplement their diet.

8.   Army rations, he explained.

9.   Peacekeepers in the capital are eating army rations and aid agency warehouses are empty.

n. + ration >>共 61
food 53.77%
government 4.59%
army 2.95%
military-style 2.95%
starvation 2.95%
water 2.95%
rice 2.30%
wheat 1.97%
field 1.64%
survival 1.31%
army + n. >>共 530
spokesman 8.76%
officer 7.57%
troop 4.86%
commander 4.35%
official 3.82%
unit 3.34%
radio 3.18%
soldier 3.15%
base 2.89%
helicopter 2.09%
ration 0.05%
每页显示:    共 9