1.   An armchair traveler can do a little globe-trotting by picking up a miniature Japanese Zen garden, an Indonesian puppet or Chinese ceramics.

2.   And any armchair traveler relishes an insightful book.

3.   Armchair travelers are about to be hit with sensory overload.

4.   Armchair travelers have reason to be grateful.

5.   Armchair travelers have long used the Internet to roam the planet vicariously, but genuine road warriors can find information within minutes that once took days to amass.

6.   Bibi Jordan is turning it into a decorating concept for armchair travelers.

7.   Diehl, the armchair traveler who does almost all of his research on his computer, had just gotten a complete set of National Geographic magazines on CD-ROM.

8.   It is the nature of armchair travelers to stay put, reading, not wandering.

9.   Never has the life of an armchair traveler been so exhausting.

10.   Nonetheless, this latest trip to the top of the world holds a distinction of interest to mountaineers, armchair travelers and technology buffs.

a. + traveler >>共 464
international 4.73%
frequent 4.66%
american 4.59%
mature 3.92%
foreign 2.91%
stranded 2.43%
single 1.89%
solo 1.89%
weary 1.55%
older 1.42%
armchair 0.95%
armchair + n. >>共 93
traveler 9.40%
general 8.05%
quarterback 4.03%
psychologist 2.68%
travel 2.68%
adventurer 2.01%
explorer 2.01%
activist 1.34%
kind 1.34%
analysis 1.34%
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