1.   Ashcroft and Macedo said their countries are working out strategies on illegal immigration, drug trafficking and arms trafficking.

2.   Canadian reports say the sect may have engaged in paramilitary activities, arms trafficking and money laundering.

3.   Investigators say that Mogilevich is a master at laundering his money, which officials say comes from prostitution, drug running, arms trafficking and extortion.

4.   These include everything from drug addiction to human smuggling, arms trafficking and official corruption.

5.   A military court will soon try four Jordanians on charges of plotting attacks against Israel and three others for alleged arms trafficking, a judicial official said Monday.

6.   He faces numerous charges, including illicit enrichment, arms trafficking and homicide in connection to the death squad.

7.   He faces numerous charges, including illicit enrichment, arms trafficking and homicide in connection to a paramilitary death squad.

8.   Investigations have reportedly found no evidence supporting rumors that the cult had income from money laundering and arms trafficking.

9.   Steps to stop arms trafficking in the camps is another promise made at past summits.

10.   The five were arrested on charges of belonging to a criminal organization, arms trafficking and falsifying documents.

n. + traffic >>共 73
drug 55.76%
arm 6.69%
narcotic 3.35%
charge 1.12%
company 1.12%
datum 1.12%
information 1.12%
man 1.12%
weapon 1.12%
group 0.74%
arm + v. >>共 388
be 24.83%
control 4.20%
feel 2.86%
go 2.80%
have 2.25%
come 1.58%
smuggle 1.22%
hang 1.16%
deal 1.16%
flail 1.10%
traffic 1.10%
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