1.   Let your arms swing in the opposite direction.

2.   Let your arms swing with you and feel the energy coming from the extra oxygen you are breathing.

3.   Petey fell back, arms swinging.

4.   She lashed out, her arm swinging wildly.

5.   As my arm swings past, he stabs feebly at it.

6.   And they walk, arms swinging and faces glowing, down the aisle.

7.   How many racquets can one arm swing?

8.   It marches purposefully along a wall, legs parted in a V-shaped stride, arms swinging wide.

9.   Now the voice is rolling, and his arms are swinging the stick.

10.   The other strap would be thin to allow the free arm to swing around.

n. + swing >>共 447
pendulum 12.25%
door 6.95%
momentum 2.19%
mood 2.10%
price 1.74%
gate 1.65%
police 1.46%
stock 1.37%
hitter 1.28%
guy 1.19%
arm 1.10%
arm + v. >>共 388
be 24.83%
control 4.20%
feel 2.86%
go 2.80%
have 2.25%
come 1.58%
smuggle 1.22%
hang 1.16%
deal 1.16%
flail 1.10%
swing 0.73%
每页显示:    共 12