1.   Arguing his innocence, Zaric said his wife, Satma, is a Muslim and his daughter lives in Croatia with her Croat husband.

2.   As the sobbing Jean-Marc clutched the back of his head and crumpled to his knees, Jeremie and Watson argued his innocence.

3.   But Circuit Judge Jerald Bagley told the jury to take the murder conviction as a given and did not allow the defense to argue innocence.

4.   He did not allow the defense to argue innocence.

5.   In court, Wang Ce argued his innocence.

6.   Lawyers advise their clients to show repentance in hopes of winning a more lenient sentence rather than try to argue their innocence.

7.   Herve, now the mayor of the western city of Rennes, meanwhile welcomed the opportunity to argue his innocence.

8.   Andreotti has argued his innocence in a string of recent interviews.

v. + innocence >>共 106
maintain 35.16%
proclaim 13.89%
prove 10.89%
protest 10.83%
declare 5.02%
claim 3.33%
profess 3.20%
assert 2.28%
plead 2.28%
lose 1.89%
argue 0.52%
argue + n. >>共 236
case 30.74%
call 10.56%
point 8.00%
issue 2.55%
side 2.32%
merit 1.74%
opposite 1.28%
position 1.16%
appeal 1.04%
politics 1.04%
innocence 0.93%
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