1.   The supplementary motor area has shown increased activity during learning of new movements.

2.   Rectal CSA values related to height, weight, and surface area showed no significant relation.

3.   The scrolled area shows any errors detected during the scan, together with the line numbers at which the errors occurred.

4.   Hatched areas show potential transcription termination signals.

5.   All three test areas are showing the program has been a success, he says.

6.   Also, some areas show more severe crop damage because of a combination of low water tables and sandy soils.

7.   Areas below us showed evidence of flooding.

8.   Blue areas show lesser exposure.

9.   Clarke said the surrounding area shows great potential for further discoveries with a further eight kilometers of the most prospective zone still to be tested.

10.   Cells working on making or retrieving a memory use more blood, so those brain areas show up as bright spots on the PET brain image.

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area + v. >>共 631
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