1.   Ardent foe of foreign aid, abortion, homosexuals, and what he defines as pornography.

2.   Asked at the news conference whether voters might reach the conclusion that he was not an ardent foe of racial intolerance, the governor grew tense and visibly angry.

3.   Commission member Abigail Thernstrom, a Republican, and an ardent foe of affirmative action, dutifully wrote off the complaints as isolated incidents.

4.   Ensign is an ardent foe of the Yucca plan.

5.   He also was an ardent foe of corruption.

6.   He is close to the Christian Coalition, an ardent foe of abortion and an outspoken advocate of home schooling.

7.   Most lawmakers, even ardent foes of President Clinton, rallied behind his decision Thursday to attack suspected terrorist targets in Afghanistan and Sudan.

8.   Naval officials declined to comment on the statements made by Carroll, a frequent critic of the service and an ardent foe of expanding the U.S. submarine fleet.

9.   Politics, though, can make friends of even the most ardent foes.

10.   Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., who has been an ardent foe of the campaign finance legislation, said he wanted time to read the House bill.

a. + foe >>共 381
former 13.91%
political 12.12%
old 4.62%
longtime 4.04%
bitter 3.00%
formidable 2.42%
common 1.96%
republican 1.85%
alike 1.33%
long-time 1.27%
ardent 1.04%
ardent + n. >>共 251
supporter 16.73%
fan 9.03%
opponent 3.85%
nationalist 3.05%
advocate 3.05%
defender 2.79%
foe 2.39%
critic 1.99%
support 1.86%
admirer 1.73%
每页显示:    共 18