1.   Archeological surveys of those sites would be required.

2.   Archeological surveys so far have yielded indications of a grave.

3.   Federal and tribal laws require archeological surveys before major construction projects.

4.   Ms. Luedtke conducted an archeological survey of Boston Harbor, ferrying groups of students each summer to excavations at Thompson, Long, and Calf islands.

5.   The first major archeological survey of sites along the trail has recently started.

6.   The structure was discovered during a routine archeological survey performed by the county in June.

a. + survey >>共 546
recent 13.90%
new 8.36%
national 5.27%
latest 3.15%
annual 2.97%
monthly 2.36%
informal 2.27%
quarterly 1.83%
nationwide 1.56%
similar 1.50%
archeological 0.18%
archeological + n. >>共 82
site 25.94%
dig 11.56%
tunnel 5.00%
find 4.38%
treasure 4.38%
excavation 3.75%
museum 2.81%
work 2.81%
research 2.19%
discovery 1.88%
survey 1.88%
每页显示:    共 6