1.   The exhibit includes numerous hands-on activities, including several archaeological dig stations.

2.   The rate includes room, all meals, all daytime activities except a nearby archaeological dig, Belikin beer and soft drinks.

3.   Every item found on the archaeological dig is given a code number.

4.   The Doctor and his companion were led across a field to an archaeological dig.

5.   The Doctor and Blake sat on the side of a hill watching the bones being carried from the archaeological dig to a large mechanical transporter.

6.   Now, a tale of mysterious goings-on in the Bronze Age.New evidence uncovered at an archaeological dig suggests it may have been the site of ritual human sacrifices.

7.   Also, a simulated archaeological dig for children.

8.   Archaeological digs in garbage heaps in Charleston show that early residents ate more veal and duck than any other meat, he says.

9.   Archaeological digs have found knives dating back more than a million years.

a. + dig >>共 162
archaeological 18.09%
new 13.69%
archeological 9.05%
deeper 2.69%
subtle 2.20%
little 1.96%
first 1.71%
illegal 1.47%
playful 1.47%
gentle 1.22%
archaeological + n. >>共 135
site 26.65%
dig 10.38%
find 4.35%
tunnel 4.21%
excavation 3.51%
treasure 3.37%
evidence 2.66%
discovery 2.66%
research 2.38%
team 2.10%
每页显示:    共 74