1.   Members of the arbitration court organized for the stock exchange are appointed by the general meeting for a fixed term.

2.   An arbitration court will be in Atlanta to hear disputes.

3.   An arbitration court in Sweden is hearing a suit brought by Americom and a countersuit filed by its partners.

4.   At one point, Tractebel asked an international arbitration court to force regulators to increase the rates.

5.   Ready to board a plane to Disneyworld perhaps, but the Merrill team could hardly have been so close to packing their bags for their day in arbitration court.

6.   Some have even argued an independent arbitration court relying on outside labs should be set up.

7.   The arbitration court also turned down a request by the Czech Republic that Sweden forfeit its two victories thus far in the tournament.

8.   Today, the Newells are embroiled in a nasty dispute with Merrill and have been fighting for two years to get their day in arbitration court.

9.   A Moscow newspaper reported Wednesday that an arbitration court in Sweden has ruled against the company once run by slain American businessman Paul Tatum.

10.   A special arbitration court will be in place during the games to hear any disputes arising from positive drug tests.

n. + court >>共 378
appeal 44.87%
basketball 6.43%
tennis 6.35%
bankruptcy 6.20%
security 3.27%
trial 2.99%
center 2.78%
food 2.21%
clay 1.77%
magistrate 1.23%
arbitration 0.72%
arbitration + n. >>共 129
panel 22.53%
hearing 13.60%
case 6.25%
process 4.51%
court 4.51%
agreement 2.92%
proceeding 2.92%
clause 2.77%
procedure 2.45%
award 2.21%
每页显示:    共 57