1.   A sort of sponge, low and crusty and golden, which they ate with Apricot jam.

2.   Brush cake with strained Apricot jam and place Marzipan on top.

3.   Heat the Apricot jam gently and brush over the cake.

4.   Press the Apricot jam through a sieve and stir in one tablespoon of cold water.

5.   You combine yogurt with some mustard and some Apricot jam.

6.   A freshly baked loaf made from wheat raised and ground here was served slathered with thick apricot jam, put up on summer evenings.

7.   A waiter served one table of women palacsinta, crepes filled with apricot jam and ground walnuts.

8.   Dijon or honey mustard mixed with apricot jam makes a fabulous glaze for baked ham or chicken chicken breasts.

9.   Dust pancake with vanilla sugar, and serve with apricot jam.

10.   Glaze with apricot jam.

a. + jam >>共 167
bases-loaded 22.52%
strawberry 6.44%
apricot 4.70%
homemade 3.71%
raspberry 3.22%
big 1.49%
potential 1.24%
huge 1.24%
one-handed 1.24%
only 1.24%
apricot + n. >>共 50
glaze 22.97%
jam 12.84%
nectar 6.76%
preserve 6.08%
tree 5.41%
pit 4.73%
sauce 3.38%
tart 2.70%
brandy 2.03%
orchard 2.03%
每页显示:    共 19