1.   At Sciennes, homework is phased in as children approach high school age.

2.   And as the baby boomers approach ages at which health services become a necessity, many are turning to personal care facilities for help, Blake said.

3.   In most plans, your money will be split between stock and bond mutual funds, and the portion in bonds will increase as your child approaches college age.

4.   Once you establish the various accounts, you should minimize risk in the accounts as the children approach college age.

5.   Schools are bursting, especially as younger students approach high school age -- including in the San Fernando Valley.

n. + age >>共 244
retirement 25.48%
information 19.32%
computer 10.16%
college 3.46%
eligibility 3.08%
population 3.00%
people 1.77%
television 1.62%
medium 1.23%
jet 1.23%
approach 0.38%
approach + n. >>共 134
shot 45.37%
road 7.67%
work 5.64%
works 2.48%
radar 1.35%
age 1.13%
route 0.90%
center 0.68%
area 0.68%
path 0.68%
每页显示:    共 5