1.   Nominees must be appointed by the director of the Selective Service System.

2.   Nominees can be appointed to acting posts until a nominee is permanently appointed.

3.   Shah won and his nominees were appointed.

4.   If the Duma rejects a candidate for prime minister nominated three times, the president can directly appoint his nominee and dissolve the assembly.

5.   A member of the NPFL delegation here said Saturday that Taylor, the NPFL representative on the council, might withdraw and appoint another nominee.

v. + nominee >>共 175
choose 7.53%
reject 6.65%
select 5.43%
announce 5.25%
confirm 5.25%
pick 3.50%
support 2.98%
approve 2.80%
block 2.45%
submit 2.28%
appoint 0.88%
appoint + n. >>共 343
member 7.66%
commission 6.22%
judge 5.04%
successor 3.11%
minister 2.85%
replacement 2.71%
governor 2.58%
lawyer 2.32%
woman 2.28%
director 1.88%
nominee 0.22%
每页显示:    共 5