1.   The wax should be applied using a circular motion.

2.   Apply car wax every few months to nontextured surfaces.

3.   A common caveat is that waxes should be applied in the shade, to a cool finish.

4.   First, apply the wax with a damp cloth.

5.   The wax is applied to apples to make them look shiny and stay fresh longer.

6.   This allows for a smoother surface on which to apply the wax.

v. + wax >>共 61
remove 18.03%
melt 5.74%
strip 5.74%
apply 4.92%
dissolve 4.10%
heat 3.28%
drip 3.28%
use 3.28%
get 2.46%
put 1.64%
apply + n. >>共 947
pressure 11.38%
law 5.26%
coat 3.29%
rule 2.55%
standard 2.33%
sanction 2.26%
brake 2.15%
principle 1.93%
technology 1.37%
makeup 1.32%
wax 0.13%
每页显示:    共 6