1.   They made sacrifices to appease the gods.

2.   When it is attributed to stealing, the stolen goods have to be returned and a sacrifice offered to appease the gods.

3.   After all, ancestors must be honored, the gods appeased and a grandma made happy.

4.   Farmers often spill sake on the ground before planting to appease the god of the rice field and assure a good harvest.

5.   Rituals must be performed to appease the gods and atone for atrocities.

6.   If a child fell through an outhouse hole into the filth beneath, people put out rice cakes to appease traditional gods.

7.   The Devadasi system in India allows for young girls to be married off to a priest and become temple prostitutes to appease gods.

8.   This tribe of pagans sacrifices goats to appease their gods, worships fabled woodland pixies and speaks a complex language that has no written form.

v. + god >>共 89
worship 11.84%
appease 5.26%
honor 3.95%
represent 2.63%
go 2.63%
call 2.63%
have 2.63%
thank 1.97%
portray 1.97%
play 1.97%
appease + n. >>共 186
critic 5.79%
protester 3.10%
concern 2.89%
group 2.89%
spirit 2.69%
public 2.69%
regulator 2.48%
hard-liner 2.27%
shareholder 1.86%
anger 1.86%
god 1.65%
每页显示:    共 8