1.   His critics were not appeased by this last speech.

2.   After his brief fall from power in mid-April, President Hugo Chavez made some efforts to appease his critics.

3.   All of those elements, however, did little to appease many critics, who felt the show had not lived up to its potential.

4.   But if Yeltsin hoped to win points for forcing out the unpopular Iluyshenko, he did not appease his critics on the right or left.

5.   But the appointments often just become one more source of skepticism, doing little to appease the critics they are intended to answer.

6.   Republican aides said they were also modifying other provisions, including the steps that triggered sanctions, to appease critics.

7.   So far, what the Army has been able to demonstrate with its two incinerators has done little to appease critics.

8.   South Korea also consolidated financial supervision under the auspices of one regulator, a move designed to appease critics of a lax regulatory system.

9.   The rule makers have already made concessions in a few crucial areas to appease critics.

10.   The sale is meant to appease critics.

v. + critic >>共 392
have 14.18%
silence 8.01%
answer 4.98%
say 3.02%
dismiss 2.55%
accuse 2.49%
satisfy 2.08%
confound 1.84%
quiet 1.84%
appease 1.66%
appease + n. >>共 186
critic 5.79%
protester 3.10%
concern 2.89%
group 2.89%
spirit 2.69%
public 2.69%
regulator 2.48%
hard-liner 2.27%
shareholder 1.86%
anger 1.86%
每页显示:    共 28