1.   It is actually much easier than appearances would suggest - cold comfort when it looks impossible!

2.   The endoscopic appearance suggested malignancy in only half the cases and was compatible with gastritis or a benign peptic ulcer in the remaineder.

3.   Democrats and Republicans alike, though, say he is more steely and shrewder than his appearance may suggest.

4.   He can be patient, as every plate appearance suggests.

5.   Now, the company-town consensus is that, instead of Tarses being TV toast, her planned appearance suggests that she may fight to keep the job.

6.   The past two appearances suggest otherwise.

7.   Their appearance suggested they were members of an itinerant theatrical company led by Kent, and possibly also members of a family.

8.   Their appearance suggests the delicacy of spring flowers in both form and color.

9.   This playfully menacing sensibility permeates the entire production, whose appearance suggests a baroque rock concert.

10.   But the social circumstances are far more complex than appearances would suggest, not at all a case of rich versus poor or modern man versus tribal people.

n. + suggest >>共 931
report 7.64%
study 5.15%
official 4.73%
evidence 3.27%
poll 3.07%
analyst 2.70%
research 2.16%
expert 1.39%
datum 1.22%
finding 1.22%
appearance 0.08%
appearance + v. >>共 231
be 45.96%
come 2.92%
seem 1.95%
belie 1.56%
have 1.56%
become 1.46%
deceive 1.36%
count 1.36%
make 1.36%
suggest 1.27%
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