1.   Always dress well for work - an untidy appearance will count against you.

2.   And in that kind of campaigning, appearance counts.

3.   Appearances count, if nothing else.

4.   Appearances count.

5.   All of a sudden, appearance counts.

6.   But appearances count for a lot in politics.

7.   But if appearances count for anything, Roy Montoya appears to be in control at Santa Ana.

8.   Dallas, where appearances usually count for more than reality, is dealing with the past by dressing it up as the future.

9.   His first lesson to actors is that appearances count.

10.   Not that appearance counts for much in Florida.

n. + count >>共 861
vote 4.03%
official 3.11%
company 2.42%
government 2.29%
investor 1.88%
game 1.60%
people 1.24%
score 1.01%
board 1.01%
worker 0.87%
appearance 0.64%
appearance + v. >>共 231
be 45.96%
come 2.92%
seem 1.95%
belie 1.56%
have 1.56%
become 1.46%
deceive 1.36%
count 1.36%
make 1.36%
suggest 1.27%
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