1.   A notice will appear following the March committee meeting.

2.   Two of the yellow flags appeared following light rain showers.

3.   Would-be demonstrators appeared confused following earlier word on radio and TV that a protest rally was on.

4.   Four buildings were damaged after cracks appeared following the quake.

5.   The photographs appeared following US and opposition reports that Saddam had placed Sajida Khairallah and other members of his family under house arrest.

6.   JLG talks in Hong Kong scheduled for Wednesday had to be postponed when British officials failed to appear following an apparent breakdown in communications.

v. + follow >>共 636
be 12.79%
rise 3.43%
fall 3.36%
arrest 3.22%
resign 2.19%
suspend 2.16%
die 1.89%
say 1.61%
release 1.41%
make 1.37%
appear 0.21%
appear + v. >>共 113
wear 7.22%
say 6.70%
head 4.12%
will 3.09%
follow 3.09%
give 3.09%
carry 2.06%
show 2.06%
begin 2.06%
offer 2.06%
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