1.   Appealing ruby color, good intensity with a hint of rose petals in the nose, though simple.

2.   Given that, companies need to know more than whether a garment is warm enough or comes in an appealing color, she said.

3.   More appealing colors of pants, such as olive and muted blue, and more stylish tops have stoked sales, Doshan said.

4.   Thus, assuring sellers that the broker can produce a truly appealing color brochure could mean more than lavish promises of display advertising in the most exclusive magazines.

a. + color >>共 1144
bright 6.08%
different 5.19%
same 2.52%
new 2.32%
solid 1.64%
dark 1.41%
brilliant 1.35%
red 1.21%
national 1.19%
favorite 1.13%
appealing 0.08%
appealing + n. >>共 333
alternative 2.64%
candidate 1.76%
option 1.76%
one 1.76%
aspect 1.76%
personality 1.41%
combination 1.41%
way 1.23%
prospect 1.23%
feature 1.23%
color 0.70%
每页显示:    共 4