1.   Although he said he had no hope of winning a reversal, Shushkevich said he planned to appeal the decision to the highest court.

2.   Alvarado had appealed the decision in federal court and is living in California while her case is pending.

3.   American National Can is appealing the decision.

4.   American, a unit of Fort Worth, Texas-based AMR Corp., said it intends to appeal the decision.

5.   An immigration judge in Baltimore recently ordered Constant deported, but his lawyers are appealing that decision.

6.   Among those who appealed the decision were such prominent literary advocates as Jacques Barzun, Joseph Wood Krutch and Bernard De Voto.

7.   An ABC spokewoman said the network planned to appeal that decision.

8.   And either side may appeal a decision by that board to the federal courts.

9.   And ironically, Fadely said, since the IRS won, it cannot appeal the decision.

10.   And Sweden plans to appeal the decision, contending that Samuelsson and the team acted in good faith and had no intent to deceive.

v. + decision >>共 346
make 32.57%
announce 5.27%
appeal 4.43%
take 4.00%
expect 3.85%
reach 3.05%
reverse 2.63%
say 1.84%
defend 1.77%
base 1.43%
appeal + n. >>共 234
decision 26.56%
ruling 20.04%
verdict 9.29%
sentence 7.87%
conviction 7.70%
case 5.87%
order 1.84%
suspension 1.77%
fine 1.51%
dismissal 1.05%
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