1.   Another factor adding to the apparent urgency of large food companies to purchase smaller ones has been consolidation with in the retail grocery store sector.

2.   Another factor adding to the apparent urgency of large food companies to purchase smaller ones has been consolidation within the retail grocery store sector.

3.   Jockeying in Montenegro over Western-style democratic reforms and more autonomy from Serbia was behind the apparent urgency with which Milosevic was thrust into office.

4.   The apparent urgency was because of a power struggle in Montenegro over Western-style democratic reforms and more autonomy from Serbia.

5.   The apparent urgency was because of an unresolved power struggle in Montenegro, whose full support Milosevic needed in the parliament to be elected.

6.   The apparent urgency was because of the unresolved power struggle in Montenegro, whose full support he needed in the parliament to be elected.

a. + urgency >>共 131
new 25.80%
greater 7.99%
added 5.25%
same 4.11%
special 3.20%
great 2.97%
particular 2.05%
increasing 1.60%
utmost 1.37%
fresh 1.37%
apparent 1.37%
apparent + n. >>共 1490
attempt 4.25%
reason 3.49%
suicide 2.52%
effort 2.50%
lack 1.70%
bid 1.39%
retaliation 1.37%
reference 1.28%
attack 1.13%
success 1.11%
urgency 0.10%
每页显示:    共 6