1.   These gangs operate with apparent impunity.

2.   Either way, the NATO strike ended a disturbing period that had seen Serbs flout United Nations mandates and escalate their attacks against civilians and peacekeepers with apparent impunity.

3.   The committee said it was worried about reports that children and teachers were subject to abuse from police, who acted with apparent impunity.

4.   In return for political support, the Mafia enjoyed apparent impunity from prosecution and financial help, such as in winning public contracts.

a. + impunity >>共 27
virtual 20.24%
relative 17.86%
complete 9.52%
seeming 7.14%
apparent 4.76%
increasing 4.76%
military 4.76%
total 4.76%
criminal 3.57%
rising 2.38%
apparent + n. >>共 1490
attempt 4.25%
reason 3.49%
suicide 2.52%
effort 2.50%
lack 1.70%
bid 1.39%
retaliation 1.37%
reference 1.28%
attack 1.13%
success 1.11%
impunity 0.07%
每页显示:    共 4