1.   Near the end of the game, Randall Cunningham sat quietly on the bench, shaking his head in apparent frustration.

2.   Suharto resorted to the currency board out of apparent frustration over the economic orthodoxy of the IMF and his own advisers.

3.   At one point early in the second quarter, in apparent frustration, Kidd threw up a jump shot several seconds after a foul had been called.

4.   Hingis raised both arms in apparent frustration.

5.   In apparent frustration over the deadlock in Mideast peacemaking, President Ezer Weizman on Monday urged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to call early elections.

6.   Some of those fleeing threw stones at U.N. vehicles in apparent frustration.

7.   The public address system in Daytona Beach kept going in and out as Bush spoke, and he smacked the microphone several times in apparent frustration.

8.   They sang the national anthem and their mood was generally cheerful, though some wept in apparent frustration that the protest had been broken up.

9.   In apparent frustration, the self-rule authority warned on Thursday that it could boycott a regional economic conference in Amman at the end of October.

a. + frustration >>共 297
growing 9.09%
palestinian 3.91%
mounting 3.34%
pent-up 3.11%
deep 2.76%
increasing 2.76%
public 2.53%
great 2.19%
expressed 1.96%
similar 1.84%
apparent 1.04%
apparent + n. >>共 1490
attempt 4.25%
reason 3.49%
suicide 2.52%
effort 2.50%
lack 1.70%
bid 1.39%
retaliation 1.37%
reference 1.28%
attack 1.13%
success 1.11%
frustration 0.15%
每页显示:    共 9