1.   Contraindications to exercise training include unstable angina pectoris, ventricular arrhythmias, and severe aortic stenosis.

2.   According to Schaefer, McDermott has known for years that he had a congenital heart condition called aortic stenosis, a malformation of the valve on the left ventricle.

3.   All suffer from a heart defect called supravalvular aortic stenosis, or SVAS, in varying degrees of severity.

4.   The Hall of Fame broadcaster underwent a procedure to correct a condition known as aortic stenosis on Wednesday.

a. + stenosis >>共 10
spinal 27.27%
aortic 18.18%
cervical 18.18%
pyloric 9.09%
asymptomatic 4.55%
biliary 4.55%
high-grade 4.55%
postsurgical 4.55%
severe 4.55%
subsequent 4.55%
aortic + n. >>共 12
aneurysm 42.31%
valve 26.92%
dissection 6.41%
heart 5.13%
rupture 5.13%
stenosis 5.13%
wall 2.56%
aneurism 1.28%
are 1.28%
balloon 1.28%
每页显示:    共 4