1.   Ceremonies have been more divisive in character than any other part of ritual or theory.

2.   In any other part of the country, police would have apprehended the drug dealers in a series of dawn raids.

3.   More heat is lost through the head than any other part of the body.

4.   More heat is lost through the head than through any other part of the body.

5.   The island already has more hazardous plants than any other part of Britain.

6.   You have more sweat glands and blood vessels per square inch in your scalp than any other part of your body.

7.   Had he prodded any other part of my anatomy I would not have yelled.

8.   The dramatic changes needed to create a new European order have affected farmers more than any other part of the community.

9.   Instead, they are to be shackled indefinitely to the burden of paying high toll charges which would not be tolerated in any other part of the country.

10.   The geological nature of the land precluded access from any other part of his property.

a. + part >>共 821
large 7.16%
important 3.31%
spare 3.11%
integral 2.62%
big 2.60%
different 2.56%
small 2.37%
northern 2.32%
first 2.06%
southern 1.85%
any 0.21%
any + n. >>共 1281
country 4.08%
detail 3.29%
state 2.53%
way 2.49%
team 2.17%
kind 1.37%
plan 1.30%
move 1.30%
nation 1.16%
thing 1.14%
part 0.99%
每页显示:    共 58