1.   Most patients were receiving standard treatment with bronchodilators, antibiotic prophylaxis against pseudomonas or staphylococcal infections, or both, and pancreatic enzyme supplements.

2.   Transient cholangitis only occurred when antibiotic prophylaxis was omitted.

3.   Antibiotic prophylaxis is imperative for immunosuppressed patients or for those with valvular heart disease or prosthetic graft material.

4.   Although antibiotic prophylaxis may reduce complications of some genital infections in pregnancy, the benefits are not unqualified.

5.   In addition, there are obstacles to routine antibiotic prophylaxis in Africa.

6.   An echocardiogram will help determine whether antibiotic prophylaxis is needed, the guidelines said.

7.   For this reason, the American Heart Association recommends antibiotic prophylaxis for patients who undergo a variety of medical and dental procedures.

a. + prophylaxis >>共 7
antibiotic 43.75%
anthelmintic 18.75%
post-exposure 12.50%
antimicrobial 6.25%
called 6.25%
routine 6.25%
satisfactory 6.25%
antibiotic + n. >>共 88
treatment 21.99%
resistance 14.40%
use 9.42%
therapy 5.76%
drug 5.24%
medicine 2.09%
ointment 2.09%
prophylaxis 1.83%
pill 1.83%
cream 1.57%
每页显示:    共 7