1.   Ashcroft, a conservative, has been attacked by liberal interest groups who dislike his strong antiabortion stance and what they call his questionable civil-rights record.

2.   Forbes took a strong antiabortion stance in his campaign this year.

3.   Gramm was hardening his antiabortion stance, and Dole was launching into a crusade against Hollywood.

4.   He came in fourth in the August straw poll there, apparently by stressing his antiabortion stance.

5.   She said she is not sure if Bush will include an antiabortion stance in his campaign platform.

a. + stance >>共 651
tough 7.70%
tougher 4.47%
aggressive 2.85%
hard-line 2.78%
hardline 2.55%
neutral 2.25%
strong 1.80%
public 1.69%
new 1.69%
conciliatory 1.69%
antiabortion 0.19%
antiabortion + n. >>共 73
activist 14.63%
group 9.76%
movement 7.32%
force 5.37%
advocate 4.39%
view 3.90%
protester 2.93%
lawmaker 2.44%
plank 2.44%
stance 2.44%
每页显示:    共 5