1.   Analyses of the anthrax sample and the chemicals used to coat it could leave telltale clues to the techniques and equipment used to manufacture the germ material.

2.   Authorities disclosed that the anthrax samples mailed to media offices in New York and Florida were of the same strain.

3.   A senior government official said that laboratory tests had not matched the anthrax samples in the two letters, but expected they would prove to be the same.

4.   A tiny, round piece of filter paper containing a virus that attacks anthrax bacteria is put onto a petri dish with the suspected anthrax sample.

5.   After the hearing, Thompson also commented on the FBI decision to send anthrax samples from Capitol Hill to a military lab before sending them to the CDC.

6.   But Parker said he was not yet ready to draw any conclusions from the appearance of silica in the anthrax sample in the Daschle letter.

7.   Connell suggested armed federal agents could be used to transport anthrax samples, which labs used to exchange via FedEx.

8.   Detailed paperwork is now required before labs can either send or receive anthrax samples.

9.   For decades, anthrax lab samples moved freely among researchers and universities, from Georgia to California and around the world.

10.   For instance, an anthrax sample from Pakistan bound for a Lousiana State lab sat on a dusty shelf in a New York airport for two months.

n. + sample >>共 321
blood 23.92%
urine 13.29%
tissue 5.92%
water 4.71%
soil 3.83%
hair 3.20%
air 2.67%
core 2.52%
anthrax 1.46%
test 1.46%
anthrax + n. >>共 227
spore 15.76%
scare 9.98%
attack 7.88%
case 6.55%
bacterium 5.82%
vaccine 5.13%
infection 4.20%
exposure 4.00%
threat 3.11%
contamination 2.63%
sample 1.21%
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